Naturalist bookstore Non-Marine Molluscs of Martinique, Lesser Antilles 9782366620139 €30.00 This beautifully illustrated book, bilingual (French and English), deals with a fascinating, yet largely unknown, group of animals from Martinique island (French West Indies): continental (terrestrial and freshwater) molluscs. After a presentation of the island’s natural habitats, the book draws up a summary of the current knowledge based on recent field... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Invasive Alien Species in Seychelles 9782366621372 €35.00 Identification and management of priority species. Why and how to eliminate them. This book addresses conservation practitioners, island managers, scientists, naturalists and any person willing to learn more about invasive species and how to fight them. Part one provides information about invasive species and how they threaten ecosystems, public health,... Add to cart
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Naturalist bookstore Guide des milieux naturels de Suisse - Ecologie, menaces, espèces caractéristiques -... 9782940365906 €70.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide des Escargots et des Limaces - Reconnaitre 60 gastéropodes terrestres sans en baver 9782918038283 €7.00 Add to cart