Naturalist bookstore Atlas des mammifères sauvages de France Volume 3 - Carnivores et primates article diffusé 9782383270034 €69.00 After covering the 71 marine mammals (Volume I) and the 28 ungulates and lagomorphs (Volume II) found in France, this third volume of the Wild Mammal Atlas focuses on carnivores and primates. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Sangliers, géographies d'un animal politique article diffusé 9782330171216 €22.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Faune forestière française Tome 1 - Guide écologique illustré - Mammifères, oiseaux,... article diffusé 9782385580629 €49.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les chauves-souris par le son - Identifier toutes les espèces de France et d'Europe article diffusé 9782603029633 €54.90 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore All the Mammals of the World article diffusé 9788416728664 €89.00 For the first time ever, you can contemplate All the Mammals of the World together in a single easy-to-use, fully illustrated volume. Created for a broad public, from wildlife enthusiasts to expert mammalogists, reseachers, conservationists and anyone interested in the spectacular diversity of mammals, this book has something for everyone. THIS BOOK DOES... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore En quête de l'invisible - A la recherche du loup article diffusé 9782956054955 €26.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Atlas des mammifères de Maine-et-Loire article diffusé 9782368334072 €29.00 Add to cart
On sale! Naturalist bookstore L’Ours Brun - Biologie et Histoire, des Pyrénées à l’Oural (2ème édition) article Biotope 9782366622768 €35.00 This book bears witness to the authors' experience of the ursid, with numerous accounts of sightings in the Pyrenees and across Europe. These accounts are complemented by a wealth of illustrations documenting the various life traits of the species across its vast distribution, as well as the history of the relationship between the bear and man, its place... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Mammifères d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient article diffusé 9782603027424 €39.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Marbre, Putois, Belette, ...On n'est pas des blaireaux ! article diffusé 9782490298228 €10.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Loup - Un voyage poétique à la recherche du loup article diffusé 9782956054931 €25.00 Add to cart
On sale! -€20.00 Naturalist bookstore Illustrated Checklist of the Mammals of the World article diffusé 9788416728367 €190.00 €210.00 A two-volume boxed set. It took several years to produce the entire series of the Handbook of the Mammals of the World (HMW), and we are now happy to provide a new, comprehensive Illustrated Checklist of the Mammals of the World. This latest work updates the taxonomy of each currently recognized species of mammal, providing a complete checklist in a set... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Loutre et autres mammifères aquatiques de Bretagne article Biotope 9782914817103 €20.00 Add to cart