Naturalist bookstore Neotropical Primates article diffusé 9788416728503 €30.00 Published by Lynx Nature Books in association with Re:wild Neotropical Primates is the ultimate field guide for identifying and learning about the 217 primate species and subspecies found in South America, Central America, and Mexico. This guide also covers introduced species on Caribbean islands like Barbados and St Kitts. Featuring detailed... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Atlas des mammifères sauvages de France Volume 3 - Carnivores et primates article diffusé 9782383270034 €69.00 After covering the 71 marine mammals (Volume I) and the 28 ungulates and lagomorphs (Volume II) found in France, this third volume of the Wild Mammal Atlas focuses on carnivores and primates. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Lemurs of Madagascar - Fifth Edition article diffusé 9781737285168 €45.00 The fifth edition of this world-renowned guide provides detailed information on the origins, discovery, study, and conservation of Madagascar’s lemurs and comprehensive species accounts for all currently known taxa. The guide is illustrated with more than 600 drawings, photos, and maps to assist in field identification. It also introduces the concept of... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Chimpanzés, mes frères de la forêt article diffusé 9782330126698 €21.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore All asian primates article diffusé 9781737285113 €55.00 This book presents photomontages of 193 Asian primates in their natural habitats, the fruit of hundreds of amateur and professional wildlife photographers, primatologists and wildlife protection organizations. All currently recognized species and subspecies, along with images showing variation in pelage colour for nine of them, and images of 19... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les primates d'Afrique de l'ouest - Guide d'identification de poche article Biotope 9782366622430 €8.00 Add to cart