New Equipment Câble USB, Mini-B vers USB-C pour M500-384 Pettersson CABLE_USB_MINIB_C €14.00 Add to cart
New Equipment Power Kit (panneau solaire) Wildlife Acoustics pour SM3/SM3BAT SM4/SM4BAT POWERKIT_SM4_SM4BA €249.00 Add to cart
Equipment Song Meter Mini BAT 2 (ultra-sonore) Wildlife acoustics - Version AA ou 18650 SM_2_MINI_BAT €824.00 Add to cart
Equipment Song Meter Mini 2 (enregistreur dans l'audible) Wildlife acoustics SM_2_MINI €569.00 Add to cart
Equipment Système de protection contre les surtensions pour SM3/SM4 Wildlife Acoustics SURGE_SM3_SM4 €360.00 Add to cart
Equipment Support de mise à la terre pour microphones SMM-U2 Wildlife Acoustics GROUND_BRACKET_U2 €60.00 Add to cart
Equipment SMART System Wildlife Acoustics ultrasound recorder training FORMATION_SMART €960.00 The trainer comes with a complete device so that the trainees can see and handle the equipment. Different points will be discussed with the trainer : - Detailed presentation of the different parts of the device - Start-up of the device - Updating and setting up the SMART - Configuration of the network system for remote control of the SMART - Configuration... Add to cart
Equipment Câbles Wildlife Acoustics pour microphone SM4BAT / SM4 / SM3BAT / SM3 - Longueur de 3M... CABLE DE 3 M SM3 €74.00 Add to cart
Equipment USB Micro B / TYPE C adapter for Pettersson u384 microphone ADAPT_USB_TYPEC €12.00 This USB adapter connects Pettersson's u384 USB microphone to the new USB ports on tablets and smartphones.It is an adapter with a "Micro B" type female input and a "C" type male output. Add to cart
Equipment Pettersson u384 USB ultrasonic microphone USB-C MICRO U384 €399.00 The NEW u384 USB ultrasonic microphone, like the M500-384 microphone, allows you to make good quality, full spectrum recordings of bat emissions (allows identification of Plecotus and Myotis according to Michel BARATAUD) or other ultrasonic signals (e.g. orthopteran songs).This mini micro u384, very handy and energy efficient, works with most operating... Add to cart