Librairie naturaliste The Largest Avian Radiation article diffusé 9788416728336 85,00 € The Evolution of Perching Birds, or the Order Passeriformes With more than 6200 species, the perching – or passerine – birds represent one of the most remarkably rapid proliferations of species. The traditional classification of birds, which was mainly based on comparative anatomical studies more than 100 years ago, could do little to resolve the... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste The East Atlantic Flyway of Coastal Birds article diffusé 9788416728695 29,00 € Embark on an extraordinary journey along the East Atlantic Flyway, a spectacular route traversed by millions of shorebirds as they navigate between their breeding grounds in the Arctic and their wintering destinations in Europe and Africa. Covering up to 16,000 kilometres twice a year, these remarkable creatures engage in one of the most awe-inspiring... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Birds of the West Indies article diffusé 9788416728183 55,00 € Most people associate the Caribbean with palm-fringed sandy beaches, cricket and rum. Mention the West Indies to birders and they think todies and tremblers, among a remarkable array of c. 190 endemic species. Furthermore, no fewer than six families are confined to the region, and another (spindalises) virtually so. The region also receives many vagrants... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Birds and Mammals of the Galapagos article diffusé 9788416728404 35,50 € The most complete and updated field guide to the birds and mammals of the Galapagos.The Galapagos archipelago is one of the most famous destinations on Earth for lovers of natural history. Straddling the equator in the Pacific Ocean c. 1000 km west of Ecuador lies ‘the world’s natural laboratory’ with its large radiations of mockingbirds and Darwin’s... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Birds of the Mesozoic - An Illustrated Field Guide article diffusé 9788416728527 29,00 € This comprehensive and up to date illustrated field guide, by palaeontologist Juan Benito and palaeoartist Roc Olivé, aims to illustrate in unprecedented detail the staggering diversity of avialans (modern birds and their closest fossil relatives) that lived from the origin of the group until the Mass Extinction that ended the reign of the non-avian... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste All the Birds of the World article diffusé 9788416728374 85,00 € OUVRAGE EN ANGLAIS La façon la plus simple et la plus agréable de parcourir tous les oiseaux du monde. Pour la toute première fois, vous pouvez contempler tous les oiseaux du monde ensemble dans un seul volume facile à utiliser et entièrement illustré. Créé pour un large public, des ornithologues débutants aux ornithologues experts et à tous ceux qui... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Conservation et studbook international du Faisan d’Edwards (Lophura edwardsi) article diffusé 9782865151042 5,50 € Le Faisan d’Edwards avait été déclaré probablement éteint en 1992. Sa surprenante redécouverte en 1996 a apporté un regain d’intérêt pour ce faisan. La publication de cet ouvrage est donc l’occasion de faire le point sur toutes les connaissances concernant ce galliforme. Textes en FRANCAIS et en ANGLAIS Ajouter au panier