Librairie naturaliste Rapaces diurnes - Europe, Afrique du Nord, Moyen-Orient 9782603029220 39,50 € Ce guide offre un panorama exhaustif des rapaces diurnes d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient. Il présente toutes les caractéristiques essentielles de ces oiseaux pour faciliter leur identification. Vous y trouverez également pas moins de 1 140 photos et illustrations en couleurs, ce qui en fait une ressource visuelle précieuse pour les... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Birds of the West Indies 9788416728183 55,00 € Most people associate the Caribbean with palm-fringed sandy beaches, cricket and rum. Mention the West Indies to birders and they think todies and tremblers, among a remarkable array of c. 190 endemic species. Furthermore, no fewer than six families are confined to the region, and another (spindalises) virtually so. The region also receives many vagrants... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Birds and Mammals of the Galapagos 9788416728404 35,50 € The most complete and updated field guide to the birds and mammals of the Galapagos.The Galapagos archipelago is one of the most famous destinations on Earth for lovers of natural history. Straddling the equator in the Pacific Ocean c. 1000 km west of Ecuador lies ‘the world’s natural laboratory’ with its large radiations of mockingbirds and Darwin’s... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Mammals of China 9788416728282 28,00 € This illustrated checklist covers China, a region with a great habitat diversity which is especially rich in mammalian life and attracts numerous wildlife watchers. Although not a traditional Field Guide, this book will equip both residents and visitors to the region with an easy-to-use resource that will allow them to quickly learn about the c. 600... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Mammals of South Asia - Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka 9788416728275 28,00 € This illustrated checklist covers South Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka), a region with great habitat diversity which is especially rich in large mammalian life and attracts numerous wildlife watchers. Although not a traditional Field Guide, this book will equip both residents and visitors to the region with an... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Mammals of the Southern Cone - Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay 9788416728268 22,00 € This illustrated checklist covers The Southern Cone of South America and its associated islands (Argentinian and Chilean Austral Zone islands, Falklands (Malvinas), Desventuradas Islands and Juan Fernández Archipelago), a region rich in habitat diversity and harboring a corresponding richness of mammalian life. Although not a traditional Field Guide, this... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste All asian primates 9781737285113 55,00 € This book presents photomontages of 193 Asian primates in their natural habitats, the fruit of hundreds of amateur and professional wildlife photographers, primatologists and wildlife protection organizations. All currently recognized species and subspecies, along with images showing variation in pelage colour for nine of them, and images of 19... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Birds of Colombia 9788416728237 44,00 € For birders, Colombia really is number one! Not only have more species been recorded there than in any other country, but almost one-fifth of the world’s birds occur in Colombia, packed into an area slightly greater than 1,100,000 km2.Stretching east to west from the Orinoco River to the Pacific Ocean, and north to south from the Caribbean to Amazonian... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Flore des Mascareignes 170 orchidées - Tome 1 et 2 9782709929561 65,00 € Indispensables aux décideurs et techniciens ayant en charge la conservation du patrimoine végétal des îles de l'océan Indien, les différents volumes de la collection profiteront également à tous ceux qui, amateurs ou professionnels, sont intéressés par cette exceptionnelle flore indigène. La collection « Flore des Mascareignes », publiée à l'initiative... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Identifier les rapaces en vol - Europe, Afrique du Nord et Moyen-Orient 9782603024720 49,00 € Un ensemble unique de 1100 photographies présente ces différents plumages et donne une idée précise de leurs variations connues. La plupart des problèmes d’identification peuvent être résolus en consultant simplement les images et leurs légendes, le texte principal servant de référence détaillée pour les cas les plus difficiles. Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Mammifères d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient 9782603027424 39,00 € Ce guide de reconnaissance complet et richement illustré présente toutes les espèces de mammifères vivant dans l'ouest de la région du Paléarctique occidental (couvrant toute l'Europe), à laquelle elle associe le nord de l'Afrique et le Proche-Orient. Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Reptiles of the Lesser Antilles 9783899731231 128,00 € This book covers the reptiles of the Lesser Antillean archipelago, from Sombrero in the north down to the Grenada bank in the south. Following the Preface and Acknowledgments, the book is organized into five sections: 1) Introduction, 2) Taxa, 3) Island Banks, 4) Biogeography and 5) Conservation. The taxa are considered in an arbitrary sequence: anoles,... Ajouter au panier