Nouveau Librairie naturaliste Les Procris de France, French Forester Moths 9782746696242 34,00 € 128 pages en français et en anglais, pour faire le point de la connaissance sur les 14 espèces de Procris qui peuplent la France continentale. Le but de cet ouvrage est de permettre de déterminer avec exactitude, au moyen d’une clé de détermination partiellement illustrée, ces fameuses zygènes vertes si souvent absentes de vos inventaires et collections. Ajouter au panier
Nouveau Librairie naturaliste Reptiles of Ecuador 9783899731408 98,00 € Le niveau d'effort et de passion qui sous-tend la production des photographies de ce livre est remarquable. Les auteurs ont passé 14 ans à parcourir le pays dans le seul but de créer de nouvelles photographies de chaque espèce de reptile, décrivant leurs variations dans ce qui est devenu leur style caractéristique de photographie scientifique sur fond... Ajouter au panier
Nouveau Librairie naturaliste The Genus Ommatotriton 9783899731385 60,00 € Il est rapidement apparu que les espèces vivant sur la côte ouest de la mer Noire différaient considérablement de celles du nord-est de la Turquie. Cette distinction a finalement été reconnue, conduisant à la création de deux sous-espèces, puis d'espèces distinctes. Finalement, elles ont retrouvé leur nom de genre correct : Ommatotriton. Livre en anglais Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East 9789083141121 50,00 € Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East presents the first comprehensive overview of all named orchid taxa from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. CET OUVRAGE NE RENTRE PAS DANS LE CADRE DES 3€ DE FRAIS DE PORT DES 25€ D'ACHAT : PRÉVOIR 10€ DE FRAIS DE PORT Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Lichens of Ireland & Great Britain 9781739675110 95,00 € A comprehensive guide to lichens and lichenology. At the core of the book are over 700 species descriptions lavishly illustrated to show many of the tiny features used to identify lichens. Two volumes allow easy use in the lab or to carry in the field. Volume 1 covers biology, ecology, descriptions of crustose species and Cladonia; volume 2 gives... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Neotropical Primates 9788416728503 30,00 € Published by Lynx Nature Books in association with Re:wild Neotropical Primates is the ultimate field guide for identifying and learning about the 217 primate species and subspecies found in South America, Central America, and Mexico. This guide also covers introduced species on Caribbean islands like Barbados and St Kitts. Featuring detailed... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste An illustrated guide to Birds of the Camargue, the Crau and Mediterranean lagoons 9782958222048 12,90 € Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Flora Cretica 9783981811056 132,00 € Cette flore illustrée présente plus de 2100 espèces végétales recensées sur l’île de Crête. CET OUVRAGE NE RENTRE PAS DANS LE CADRE DES 1.5€ DE FRAIS DE PORT DES 60€ D'ACHAT : PRÉVOIR 10€ DE FRAIS DE PORT Livre en anglais Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste The East Atlantic Flyway of Coastal Birds 9788416728695 29,00 € Embark on an extraordinary journey along the East Atlantic Flyway, a spectacular route traversed by millions of shorebirds as they navigate between their breeding grounds in the Arctic and their wintering destinations in Europe and Africa. Covering up to 16,000 kilometres twice a year, these remarkable creatures engage in one of the most awe-inspiring... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Reptiles of the Guianas – Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana 9783899731309 128,00 € The Guiana Shield is one of the regions of highest biodiversity in the world and has many endemic species. This book is the culmination of several journeys to the Guianas and one of the most visually stunning herpetofaunas published by Chimaira. LIVRE EN ANGLAIS Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Seabirds Count: A census of breeding seabirds in Britain and Ireland (2015–2021) 9788416728602 45,00 € Le Seabirds Count est le quatrième recensement des populations d'oiseaux marins nicheurs de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande d'importance internationale. Plus de 10 000 sites et 25 espèces ont été étudiés entre 2015 et 2021, fournissant une mise à jour complète de l'état de ces populations. Ces données essentielles nous aideront à mieux comprendre les... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Annonaceae - Flora of Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana 9782383270003 49,00 € With about 2500 species distributed all around the world, the tropical family Annonaceae is among the largest families of Angiosperms, and one of the largest ones with woody species. It is well represented in the three Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana), with 140 species distributed in 19 genera. This geographic perimeter is part of the larger and... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Noctuidae Europaeae Essential 9788797380406 200,00 € This book deals with all 1623 known species of European Noctuids. The concise text describes habitats, flight periods, larval food plants and distribution of every European species and their distribution outside Europe. Other topics, including subspecies, generations, frequency and pests are also covered. The European distribution for every species is... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Birds of the West Indies 9788416728183 55,00 € Most people associate the Caribbean with palm-fringed sandy beaches, cricket and rum. Mention the West Indies to birders and they think todies and tremblers, among a remarkable array of c. 190 endemic species. Furthermore, no fewer than six families are confined to the region, and another (spindalises) virtually so. The region also receives many vagrants... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Birds and Mammals of the Galapagos 9788416728404 35,50 € The most complete and updated field guide to the birds and mammals of the Galapagos.The Galapagos archipelago is one of the most famous destinations on Earth for lovers of natural history. Straddling the equator in the Pacific Ocean c. 1000 km west of Ecuador lies ‘the world’s natural laboratory’ with its large radiations of mockingbirds and Darwin’s... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Mammals of the Southern Cone - Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay 9788416728268 22,00 € This illustrated checklist covers The Southern Cone of South America and its associated islands (Argentinian and Chilean Austral Zone islands, Falklands (Malvinas), Desventuradas Islands and Juan Fernández Archipelago), a region rich in habitat diversity and harboring a corresponding richness of mammalian life. Although not a traditional Field Guide, this... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Format E-BOOK (English) - Plants from season to season 9782366622980 15,00 € The pleasure of observing phenology What links exist between climate and the annual cycle of plants? What mechanisms control the opening of buds? What are the projections in a context of climat change?These are all questions that phenology specialistsanswer in this book, showing how plants mark the rhythm of the changing seasons. This guide will also give... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Identifier les animaux - Tous les vertébrés de France, Benelux, Grande-Bretagne et Irlande 9782366622973 30,00 € Cinq livres naturalistes en un seul ! Un véritable guide des vertébrés vous permettant d’identifier avec précision et simplicité 635 espèces, soit tous les oiseaux (nicheurs, hivernants et de passage), mammifères (dont cétacés et chauves-souris), reptiles, amphibiens et poissons d’eau douce. Le territoire traité couvre l’ensemble des îles Britanniques, la... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Reptiles of the Lesser Antilles 9783899731231 128,00 € This book covers the reptiles of the Lesser Antillean archipelago, from Sombrero in the north down to the Grenada bank in the south. Following the Preface and Acknowledgments, the book is organized into five sections: 1) Introduction, 2) Taxa, 3) Island Banks, 4) Biogeography and 5) Conservation. The taxa are considered in an arbitrary sequence: anoles,... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste The genus triturus - History - Biology - Systematics - Captive Breeding 9783899735277 88,00 € Preface by Wolf-Rüdiger Große. With a chapter on the history of the research on Crested and Marbled Newts by Josef F. Schmidtler, a chapter on skin toxins by Dietrich Mebs and a chapter on diseases and captive management by Frank Pasmans and An Martel. Currently the genus Triturus comprises the group of Crested Newts (Triturus anatolicus, Triturus... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Salamanders and Newts of Europe, North Africa and Western Asia 9783899733693 40,00 € Portraying the tailed amphibians of Europe, North Africa, and western Asia, this is the first volume of the Terralog series to be dedicated to a group of amphibians. Particular emphasis lies on the fire salamanders whose distribution range almost equals the region covered by this volume.Other representatives of this polymorphic order of vertebrates, on... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Venomous snakes of South America 9783899733679 50,00 € This volume of Terralog is a presentation of the venomous snakes of South America - all of the about 180 taxa currently recognized or under description of the families Elapidae and Viperidae, several of them with colour variations. A few of these species are depicted in a book for the first time. The newest systematics is introduced. Controversial... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste European Pond Turtle - Emys orbicularis 9783899736045 32,80 € Emys orbicularis is the turtle with the widest distribution range in Europe. Its relationship with man has been a long and varying one, stretching from serving as food during times of fast durinf the Dark Ages to being regarded as an acutely threatened species in the present. Manfred Rogner's book also show that it ranks amongst the most intensively... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Amphibians and Reptiles of the St. Vincent and Grenada Banks, West Indies 9783899734836 60,00 € In the Eastern Caribbean, the more than 40 islands of the St. Vincent Bank and the Grenada Bank (Grenada and the Grenadine Islands) harbor at least 32 species of frogs and reptiles. Like many West Indian islands, the combined herpetofaunas of the two island banks comprise a mixture of native (including island and bank endemics) and introduced species.... Ajouter au panier