Nouveau Librairie naturaliste The Genus Ommatotriton 9783899731385 60,00 € Il est rapidement apparu que les espèces vivant sur la côte ouest de la mer Noire différaient considérablement de celles du nord-est de la Turquie. Cette distinction a finalement été reconnue, conduisant à la création de deux sous-espèces, puis d'espèces distinctes. Finalement, elles ont retrouvé leur nom de genre correct : Ommatotriton. Livre en anglais Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East 9789083141121 50,00 € Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East presents the first comprehensive overview of all named orchid taxa from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. CET OUVRAGE NE RENTRE PAS DANS LE CADRE DES 3€ DE FRAIS DE PORT DES 25€ D'ACHAT : PRÉVOIR 10€ DE FRAIS DE PORT Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Lichens of Ireland & Great Britain 9781739675110 95,00 € A comprehensive guide to lichens and lichenology. At the core of the book are over 700 species descriptions lavishly illustrated to show many of the tiny features used to identify lichens. Two volumes allow easy use in the lab or to carry in the field. Volume 1 covers biology, ecology, descriptions of crustose species and Cladonia; volume 2 gives... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Flora von Rhodos und Chalki, Volume 1 9783981811001 45,00 € With over 1,500 species of ferns and flowering plants, the Greek island of Rhodes, loved by tourists, is one of the richest floristic regions in the Mediterranean. CET OUVRAGE NE RENTRE PAS DANS LE CADRE DES 3€ DE FRAIS DE PORT DES 25€ D'ACHAT : PRÉVOIR 5€ DE FRAIS DE PORT Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Flora Cretica 9783981811056 132,00 € Cette flore illustrée présente plus de 2100 espèces végétales recensées sur l’île de Crête. CET OUVRAGE NE RENTRE PAS DANS LE CADRE DES 1.5€ DE FRAIS DE PORT DES 60€ D'ACHAT : PRÉVOIR 10€ DE FRAIS DE PORT Livre en anglais Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste The East Atlantic Flyway of Coastal Birds 9788416728695 29,00 € Embark on an extraordinary journey along the East Atlantic Flyway, a spectacular route traversed by millions of shorebirds as they navigate between their breeding grounds in the Arctic and their wintering destinations in Europe and Africa. Covering up to 16,000 kilometres twice a year, these remarkable creatures engage in one of the most awe-inspiring... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Reptiles of the Guianas – Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana 9783899731309 128,00 € The Guiana Shield is one of the regions of highest biodiversity in the world and has many endemic species. This book is the culmination of several journeys to the Guianas and one of the most visually stunning herpetofaunas published by Chimaira. LIVRE EN ANGLAIS Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Seabirds Count: A census of breeding seabirds in Britain and Ireland (2015–2021) 9788416728602 45,00 € Le Seabirds Count est le quatrième recensement des populations d'oiseaux marins nicheurs de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande d'importance internationale. Plus de 10 000 sites et 25 espèces ont été étudiés entre 2015 et 2021, fournissant une mise à jour complète de l'état de ces populations. Ces données essentielles nous aideront à mieux comprendre les... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Noctuidae Europaeae Essential 9788797380406 200,00 € This book deals with all 1623 known species of European Noctuids. The concise text describes habitats, flight periods, larval food plants and distribution of every European species and their distribution outside Europe. Other topics, including subspecies, generations, frequency and pests are also covered. The European distribution for every species is... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Mammals of China 9788416728282 28,00 € This illustrated checklist covers China, a region with a great habitat diversity which is especially rich in mammalian life and attracts numerous wildlife watchers. Although not a traditional Field Guide, this book will equip both residents and visitors to the region with an easy-to-use resource that will allow them to quickly learn about the c. 600... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Mammals of South Asia - Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka 9788416728275 28,00 € This illustrated checklist covers South Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka), a region with great habitat diversity which is especially rich in large mammalian life and attracts numerous wildlife watchers. Although not a traditional Field Guide, this book will equip both residents and visitors to the region with an... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Format E-BOOK (English) - Plants from season to season 9782366622980 15,00 € The pleasure of observing phenology What links exist between climate and the annual cycle of plants? What mechanisms control the opening of buds? What are the projections in a context of climat change?These are all questions that phenology specialistsanswer in this book, showing how plants mark the rhythm of the changing seasons. This guide will also give... Ajouter au panier