Naturalist bookstore L'odyssée des plantes sauvages et cultivées - Révolutions d'hier et défis de demain 9782759229239 €39.00 Add to cart
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Naturalist bookstore Marine Bivalves of Tropical West Africa 9782856538883 €69.00 Bivalves are one of the most important groups of marine animals: they are abundant in benthic communities, they are sought after as seafood or ornament, and their shells are almost always conspicuous on the world’s beaches. This identification guide for West African marine bivalves covers 462 species belonging to 59 families, based on an extensive... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore A la decouverte des orchidées en Languedoc et Pays Catalan article Biotope 9782366622225 €30.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flore des Mascareignes - La Réunion, Maurice, Rodrigues - 203 Graminées 9782366622164 €32.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flore des Mascareignes - La Réunion, Maurice, Rodrigues - 202 Cypéracées 9782366622157 €18.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flora Helvetica - Guide d'excursions (2e édition) 9783258082837 €48.00 This field guide will help you to identify all the vascular plants found in Switzerland, using precise and easily accessible criteria based on identifying characteristics that are adapted to the terrain. Detailed drawings make it easy to identify many species.Touring Flora’ is the essential complement to the reference work “Flora Helvetica” - now in a... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les mots oubliés de la forêt et du bois - Dictionnaire des termes anciens 9782916525488 €24.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Nouvelle édition - Flore forestière française - Tome 1 Plaines et collines article diffusé 9782916525471 €69.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide géologique - Parc national du Mercantour (2ème édition) article diffusé 9782916097893 €24.90 The Omniscience geology guides offer a new way of discovering geology. Through a selection of walking itineraries, each guide presents the geology of a natural region, and offers developments that will delight curious naturalists: geomorphology, history of geological formations, implications for past and present human occupation, buildings, natural... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Biogéographie de la flore du Sahara article diffusé 9782366622140 €42.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Reconnaître facilement les arbres par leurs feuilles 9782841389629 €9.90 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore A la recherche des Orchidées de Madagascar article Biotope 9782366622034 €65.00 BOOK IN PRE-ORDER - RELEASE FOR 19/03/2018 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les invertébrés dans la conservation et la gestion des espaces naturels - Actes du... 9782856537954 €28.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Insectes et forêt, des relations complexes et essentielles 9782916525433 €12.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore A la découverte des Orchidées de Rhône-Alpes - 2ème édition article Biotope 9782366622003 €30.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Monuments végétaux de France - 120 arbres ou sites arborés remarquables de France... 9782940585113 €39.90 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide de la faune profonde de la mer Méditerranée - Explorations des roches et canyons... 9782856538029 €27.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Auguste de Saint-Hilaire (1779-1853) un botaniste français au Brésil article diffusé 9782856537824 €17.50 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Plantes sauvages de la Loire et du Rhône Atlas de la flore vasculaire article diffusé 9782952472227 €39.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore A la découverte des Orchidées d'Alsace et de Lorraine 9782366621716 €30.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Aracées de Guyane française - Biologie et systématique 9782856537794 €40.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Invasive Alien Species in Seychelles 9782366621372 €35.00 Identification and management of priority species. Why and how to eliminate them. This book addresses conservation practitioners, island managers, scientists, naturalists and any person willing to learn more about invasive species and how to fight them. Part one provides information about invasive species and how they threaten ecosystems, public health,... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Remarkables plants of Vanuatu 9782366621570 €30.00 This guide on the remarkable flora of Vanuatu aims to raise awareness of plant diversity of Vanuatu and conservation issues associated with it.The 236 plants presented were selected for their outstanding character commonly encountered species, specific morphological characters (large fruit, beautiful flowers, foliage stinging, etc.) or significant... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Pucerons, mildiou, limaces... Prévenir, identifier, soigner bio 9782914717403 €27.40 Add to cart