Naturalist bookstore Marine Bivalves of Tropical West Africa 9782856538883 €69.00 Bivalves are one of the most important groups of marine animals: they are abundant in benthic communities, they are sought after as seafood or ornament, and their shells are almost always conspicuous on the world’s beaches. This identification guide for West African marine bivalves covers 462 species belonging to 59 families, based on an extensive... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos - Volume 30 9782856538227 €89.00 Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos, a continuation of Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, is a series dedicated to the inventory and description of the deep-sea fauna of the world, with special emphasis on the most extensive, yet remote and least explored, region — the Indo-West Pacific. The comprehensive series of marine expeditions undertaken by the French Muséum... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Non-Marine Molluscs of Martinique, Lesser Antilles 9782366620139 €30.00 This beautifully illustrated book, bilingual (French and English), deals with a fascinating, yet largely unknown, group of animals from Martinique island (French West Indies): continental (terrestrial and freshwater) molluscs. After a presentation of the island’s natural habitats, the book draws up a summary of the current knowledge based on recent field... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Poissons d’eaux douces et saumâtres de l’Afrique de l’ouest Vol. 1 & 2 (vendus ensembles) 9782856535615 €90.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Poissons d’eaux douces et saumâtres de basse Guinée, ouest de l’Afrique centrale vol. 1... 9782856535776 €90.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Coquillages et escargots de Guyane - Seashells and snails from French Guiana 9782914817189 €70.00 Add to cart