Naturalist bookstore Atlas des amphibiens et des reptiles des Pays de la Loire 9782368333501 €29.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flora of Madagascar and the Comoro Islands - Boraginales, Olacaceae and allies 9782856539750 €45.00 BOOK ENTIRELY IN ENGLISH Madagascar, the “red Island”, hosts a distinctive and highly diverse flora estimated to comprise about 14,000 species of vascular plants, about 83 % of which are endemic. Endemism is also significant among genera, and the island also has 5 endemic families of angiosperms. This exceptional diversity results mainly from the wide... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Sols et paysages - Types de sols, fonctions et usages en Europe moyenne 9782889152957 €65.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Cahier d'identification des Passereaux d'Europe en Vol 9782366622805 €39.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Status and threats of Afrotropical amphibians - Sub-saharan Africa, Madagascar, Western... 9783899373103 €98.00 Due to their physiology, morphology and complex life cycles, amphibian species are often highly habitat-specific and particularly threatened by environmental changes. Currently more than one third of all species is believed to be threatened. The worldwide decline of amphibians therefore has become a symbol for the Global Biodiversity Crisis.Whereas in... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les Chauves-souris de France, Belgique, Luxembourg et Suisse - 3ème édition 9782366622713 €49.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Quelle est cette plante? - Fleurs sauvages, graminées, arbres et arbustes. Les... 9782379220449 €25.90 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Voyage au Simplon - En train, en car postal à pied de Brigue à Domodossola 9782940585588 €20.00 Add to cart