Naturalist bookstore Dictionnaire visuel des arbres et arbustes communs - Nouvelle édition 9782379223020 2 reviews €30.33 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Le Guide Terre vivante des fleurs au jardin bio 9782360986354 €33.18 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Manuel des champignons comestibles et toxiques 9782366623048 5 reviews €28.44 With its identification keys and very precise illustrations, this book is also a recommended guide to begin studying fungi, enabling readers to familiarise themselves with the different morphological groups, the terminology used by mycologists and how to recognise the main species. PUBLISHED END OF JULY Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide des Oiseaux d'Europe - Manuel d'Identification Photographique 9782366622959 19 reviews €36.97 French version With 900 species covered and over 4,700 photographs, this is the most comprehensive and ambitious photographic guide to European birds ever produced.Easy to use, practical and accessible to all, this guide provides the information needed by ornithologists of all levels to identify the birds of Europe. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore European non-marine molluscs, a guide for species identification article diffusé 9783933922755 €121.33 The book presents all European species of molluscs, which are about 2090 snails and 53 mussels. In several groups the species definition is controversial, others are currently in a state of taxonomic revision. So the number of species can only be approximated. Surprisingly many groups in Europe are relatively little studied. This includes, for example,... Add to cart