Naturalist bookstore Histoire géologique de Suisse romande - De Genève à Berne, des Préalpes au Jura 9782889155330 €28.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Neotropical Primates 9788416728503 €30.00 Published by Lynx Nature Books in association with Re:wild Neotropical Primates is the ultimate field guide for identifying and learning about the 217 primate species and subspecies found in South America, Central America, and Mexico. This guide also covers introduced species on Caribbean islands like Barbados and St Kitts. Featuring detailed... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide des Requins, Raies et Chimères des côtes françaises 9782958222000 €28.00 Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Naturalist bookstore Guide des Limaces de mer, nudibranches et autres groupes, de Méditerranée française et... 9782958222055 €32.00 View
Naturalist bookstore Faune et flore de Méditerranée, guide immergeable 9782956067313 €23.90 Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Naturalist bookstore Coléoptères d'Europe, Scarabées, Hannetons, Staphylins, Volume 2 - Polyphaga 9782913688452 €85.00 View
Out-of-Stock Naturalist bookstore Flora Helvetica - Flore illustrée de Suisse - 6ème édition 9783258083506 €178.00 6th edition with 3250 descriptions of flowering plants, ferns and cultivated plants, with distribution maps. The reference work on Swiss flora in a new, revised edition All the wild flowering plants and ferns of Switzerland are illustrated with colour photographs and described with botanical precision New edition includes around 60 additional... View
Naturalist bookstore Flora von Rhodos und Chalki, Band 1 9783981811001 €45.00 A Complete Handbook of All Flowering Plants, Lycopods and Ferns Occuring on the Island of Crete and Surrounding Islets. THIS BOOK DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR THE €3 DELIVERY CHARGE FOR A €25 PURCHASE: ALLOW €5 FOR DELIVERY CHARGES Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flora Cretica 9783981811056 €132.00 This illustrated book presents more than 2,100 plant species recorded of Crete. THIS BOOK DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR THE €3 DELIVERY CHARGE FOR A €25 PURCHASE: ALLOW €5 FOR DELIVERY CHARGES Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Naturalist bookstore Le guide ornitho (3ème édition) - Le guide des oiseaux d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et... 9782603029725 €35.00 View