Naturalist bookstore Flore des Mascareignes - La Réunion, Maurice, Rodrigues - 203 Graminées 9782366622164 €32.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flora Helvetica - Guide d'excursions (2e édition) 9783258082837 €48.00 This field guide will help you to identify all the vascular plants found in Switzerland, using precise and easily accessible criteria based on identifying characteristics that are adapted to the terrain. Detailed drawings make it easy to identify many species.Touring Flora’ is the essential complement to the reference work “Flora Helvetica” - now in a... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les crustacés décapodes des Petites Antilles - Avec de nouvelles observations pour... 9782856538326 €29.00 Add to cart
On sale! Naturalist bookstore Volcans, séismes et tsunamis en Méditerranée 9782366621891 €34.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Via Alpina - 2500 kilomètres d'une mer à l'autre - Seconde édition 9782940365838 €39.90 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Le chemin de fer des merveilles - Cuneo - Nice et Ventimiglia 9782940365821 €20.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Aracées de Guyane française - Biologie et systématique 9782856537794 €40.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Non-Marine Molluscs of Martinique, Lesser Antilles 9782366620139 €30.00 This beautifully illustrated book, bilingual (French and English), deals with a fascinating, yet largely unknown, group of animals from Martinique island (French West Indies): continental (terrestrial and freshwater) molluscs. After a presentation of the island’s natural habitats, the book draws up a summary of the current knowledge based on recent field... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Livre rouge des plantes menacées aux Antilles françaises article Biotope 9782856537626 €50.00 Add to cart