Naturalist bookstore Le Chamois - Biologie et écologie - 2è Edition article Biotope 9782366621938 €30.00 Add to cart
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Naturalist bookstore Guide nature - Randonnées dans les zones humides de France 9782366621594 €24.50 Add to cart
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Equipment Ultrasonic sensor for bats Pettersson D240X D240X €1,199.00 The Pettersson D240X is an ultrasonic sensor easy to handle and very powerful for converting ultrasound in an audible sound. It is primarily designed to study bats and other animals emit ultrasons.Le detector has two independent ultrasonic conversion systems, a heterodyne system and a time expansion system. The detector is equipped with a digital display... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Oiseaux de Franche-Comté - Répartition, tendance et conservation article Biotope 9782366622096 €45.00 Add to cart
Equipment Lampe frontale PETZL ACTIK CORE grise 2022-2023 - 600 Lumens PETZL_ACTIK_CORE2 €62.00 Add to cart