New Naturalist bookstore The Genus Ommatotriton 9783899731385 €60.00 It became apparent early on that the species living on the western Black Sea coast differed significantly from those from northeast Turkey. This was ultimately taken into account by creating two subspecies and later species. Eventually it was given its correct genus name again, Ommatotriton. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide des Requins, Raies et Chimères des côtes françaises 9782958222000 €28.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide des Limaces de mer, nudibranches et autres groupes, de Méditerranée française et... 9782958222055 €32.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Faune et flore de Méditerranée, guide immergeable 9782956067313 €23.90 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Vivre en castor - Histoires de cohabitations et de réconciliation 9782759238842 €22.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Champignons, guide de terrain - 2ème édition revue et augmentée 9782940585823 €36.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Manuel des champignons comestibles et toxiques 9782366623048 €30.00 With its identification keys and very precise illustrations, this book is also a recommended guide to begin studying fungi, enabling readers to familiarise themselves with the different morphological groups, the terminology used by mycologists and how to recognise the main species. PUBLISHED END OF JULY Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Identifier les animaux - Tous les vertébrés de France, Benelux, Grande-Bretagne et Irlande 9782366622973 €30.00 Five nature books in one!A veritable guide to vertebrates, enabling you to identify 635 species with precision and simplicity, including all birds (breeding, wintering and passing through), mammals (including cetaceans and bats), reptiles, amphibians and freshwater fish. The area covered includes the British Isles, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Salamanders and Newts of Europe, North Africa and Western Asia 9783899733693 €40.00 Portraying the tailed amphibians of Europe, North Africa, and western Asia, this is the first volume of the Terralog series to be dedicated to a group of amphibians. Particular emphasis lies on the fire salamanders whose distribution range almost equals the region covered by this volume.Other representatives of this polymorphic order of vertebrates, on... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore European Pond Turtle - Emys orbicularis 9783899736045 €32.80 Emys orbicularis is the turtle with the widest distribution range in Europe. Its relationship with man has been a long and varying one, stretching from serving as food during times of fast durinf the Dark Ages to being regarded as an acutely threatened species in the present. Manfred Rogner's book also show that it ranks amongst the most intensively... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Venomous terrestrial Snakesof the Middle East 9783899734461 €40.00 Venomous terrestrial Snakesof the Middle East is an important contribution to the understanding of the snake fauna in region where bites from venomous snakes are not uncommon. Venomous snakes are a substantial and ecologically important part of the biodiversity of the Middle East and constitute some of the more well known species in that part of the... Add to cart