Naturalist bookstore Keita and the Dolphins - A traditional fisherman's tale 9782366623178 €12.00 The story of Keita and the Dolphins was adapted from a tale shared by a storyteller in a fishing community in the Republic of Guinea, Ibrahima Sory Camara. Stories of dolphins helping fishermen to find fish, and of dolphins rescuing humans who fall into the sea are common throughout the countries where Atlantic humpback dolphins occur. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Keita et les dauphins - Un conte traditionnel de pêcheurs 9782366623161 €12.00 Book in french Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Lilidou et le Gang des Poulpes 9791094583609 €10.00 Saviez-vous que lorsqu’il pleut trop, les étoiles se décrochent du ciel ? Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore 300 millions d’années et un jour BD géologique sur la vallée du Bès 9791094583586 €15.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore A la recherche de la bague perdue - Les aventures de goutelette 9782940585632 €15.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Cahier d'activités de Lilidou - Bergère de vers de terre 9791094583463 €7.50 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Le peuple de l'eau verte - L'esprit de L'ours - Tome 1 9791094583470 €14.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Terre - Des légendes tu découvriras, la nature tu protègeras 9782955895948 €16.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore french fish post - Brackish water POS_9782914817936 €12.00 A wonderful educational post containing all species of freshwater fish frequenting brackish waters mullet, flounder, sun perch, sturgeon, pike ...It contains information on the status of the species (heritage, introduced migratory), the size or the latin name.This poster 60x80cm size was printed on high quality paper that will ensure it excellent... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore French fish post - Flatwater POS_9782914817929 €12.00 A wonderful educational post containing all species of freshwater fish attending the calm waters: carp, tench, pike, catfish, minnow, stickleback ...It contains information on the status of species (heritage, introduced migratory), the size or the latin name.This poster 60x80cm size was printed on high quality paper that will ensure it excellent... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore French fish post - Whitewater plain POS_9782914817912 €12.00 A wonderful educational post containing all species of freshwater fish attending Whitewater foothill and plain shad, eel, chub, lamprey, barbel ...It includes information on the status of species (heritage, introduced migratory), and the average size and the Latin name.This poster 60x80cm size was printed on high quality paper that will ensure it... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore French fish post - Whitewater altitude POS_9782914817905 €12.00 A wonderful educational post containing all species of freshwater fish attending whitewater clear and highly oxygenated medium and high altitude: trout, salmon, asparagus, char ...This poster 60x80cm size was printed on high quality paper that will ensure it excellent performance over time. It is part of a complete series of posters featuring all species... Add to cart