Naturalist bookstore Jeu nature Betula - Bataille nature à la montagne article diffusé 3760174130008 1 review €10.00 In protected mountains, plants and animals naturally occupy zones which correspond to their needs. The wild thyme thrives on dry, sunny slopes ; Butterflies visit its flowers in their search for nectar. Most types of butterflies choose one species of plant to lay their eggs on. It’s this host plant which provides the young caterpillar with its favourite... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Le peuple de l'eau verte - L'esprit de L'ours - Tome 1 article diffusé 9791094583470 €13.27 Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Naturalist bookstore Les champignons d’Europe tempérée (2 volumes) 9782366622423 32 reviews €113.74 Cet ouvrage encyclopédique en deux volumes, traduction d'un ouvrage anglais et danois, présente un panorama complet du Règne fongique. Il traite plus de 2 800 espèces de champignons d’Europe et contient plus de 10 000 illustrations et photographies.Avec les champignons à lames, les bolets, les chanterelles et les morilles, mais aussi des groupes moins... View
Naturalist bookstore Guide des Oiseaux d'Europe - Manuel d'Identification Photographique 9782366622959 19 reviews €36.97 French version With 900 species covered and over 4,700 photographs, this is the most comprehensive and ambitious photographic guide to European birds ever produced.Easy to use, practical and accessible to all, this guide provides the information needed by ornithologists of all levels to identify the birds of Europe. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Cahier d'activités de Lilidou - Bergère de vers de terre 9791094583463 €7.11 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Encyclopédie des fruitiers sauvages ou méconnus 9782379221941 €33.18 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Marbre, Putois, Belette, ...On n'est pas des blaireaux ! 9782490298228 €8.53 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flora gallica - Complete Flora of France 9782366620122 10 reviews €84.36 A major publishing event for European botany. Biotope editions and Botanical Society of France have Flora Gallica, the first comprehensive flora of vascular plants of France for decades! A small revolution for lovers of botany ... Nearly 15 years of work were needed to a committee of more than 60 recognized experts, convened by the Botanical Society of... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide des champignons France et Europe 9782410010428 1 review €33.18 Add to cart