Naturalist bookstore Prêts pour un 110m Haie!? Comment mener un projet d'animation sur la haie 9782490298266 €10.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Marbre, Putois, Belette, ...On n'est pas des blaireaux ! 9782490298228 €10.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore La nature au verger - Découvrir et accueillir la biodiversité au verger 9782918038245 €10.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide des Escargots et des Limaces - Reconnaitre 60 gastéropodes terrestres sans en baver 9782918038283 €7.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore A la rencontre des sauterelles, criquets et grillons 9782918038252 €9.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore A la rencontre des sauterelles, criquets et grillons 9782918038238 €10.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore CD where will cloud water 3770001513348 €17.00 The sound design is inspired by water and its importance to life.This is a particularly evocative and artistic work, directed by Fernand Deroussen, audio-naturalist in constant contact with the sounds of the wild and natural world. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore CD melodies of birds 3770001513317 €17.00 This CD is a selection of thirty-one songs of birds in the world met and recorded by Fernand Deroussen during his travels. All records were the result of an encounter full of surprises, emotions and show the author's fascination for nature. They succeed through very different compositions, sometimes complex and diverse and sometimes a charming simplicity. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore CD wild beasts 3770001513324 €17.00 The sound discovery of wild mammals is often complex: it is a contrast between the intricacies of a breath, a rustle, a yelp and the power of travel, a rant, a combat. The observation of mammals requires knowledge of land acquired over many years listening to them. Add to cart