Naturalist bookstore Lilidou et le Gang des Poulpes article diffusé 9791094583609 €10.00 Saviez-vous que lorsqu’il pleut trop, les étoiles se décrochent du ciel ? Add to cart
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Naturalist bookstore Manuel des champignons comestibles et toxiques 9782366623048 €30.00 With its identification keys and very precise illustrations, this book is also a recommended guide to begin studying fungi, enabling readers to familiarise themselves with the different morphological groups, the terminology used by mycologists and how to recognise the main species. PUBLISHED END OF JULY Add to cart
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Naturalist bookstore Sound Guide (CD) Amphibians of France, Belgium and Luxembourg (with accompanying book) CD9782951037991 €7.00 This audio guide accompanies the book Amphibians of France, Belgium and Luxembourg of Parthenope collection. It includes all the songs of frogs. The book refers to each monograph CD by sonograms. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les Bryophytes de France Tome 2 - Pleurocarpes et Sphagnales 9782366623215 €85.00 This is the second volume in the encyclopedia of French bryophytes, this time focusing on pleurocarps and sphagnum mosses. An eagerly-awaited reference for all botanists. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Cahier d'identification des Orthoptères de France, Belgique, Luxembourg & Suisse 9782366622706 €39.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide géologique - Vosges 2nd edition 9791097502386 €24.90 The Omniscience geology guides offer a new way of discovering geology. Through a selection of walking itineraries, each guide presents the geology of a natural region, and offers developments that will delight curious naturalists: geomorphology, history of geological formations, implications for past and present human occupation, buildings, natural... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les Poissons d'eau douce de France - 2ème édition 9782366622478 €45.00 Add to cart
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Naturalist bookstore Etymologia Botanica - Dictionnaire des noms latins 9782366623192 €39.00 Add to cart
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