New Naturalist bookstore Balade géologique sur le campus Pierre-et-Marie-Curie de Sorbonne-Université 9782366623314 €4.00 Add to cart
New Naturalist bookstore Balade géologique à Chassenon, Pressignac et Rochechouart 9782366622836 €4.00 Add to cart
On sale! Pack Gift ideas Pack Mémo nature fruits + Mémo nature feuilles et fleurs JEU_PACK_MEMO €12.00 Add to cart
On sale! Pack Gift ideas Pack Bataille nature à la montagne + Bataille nature à la lisière de la forêt JEU_PACK_BATAILLE €15.00 Add to cart
On sale! Pack Naturalist bookstore Pack Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024 + L'art de la photographie de nature - 55 ans 978_PACK_2024_50 €74.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les Fougères et plantes alliées d'Europe (2ème édition) 9782366623208 €55.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les Bryophytes de France Tome 2 - Pleurocarpes et Sphagnales 9782366623215 €85.00 This is the second volume in the encyclopedia of French bryophytes, this time focusing on pleurocarps and sphagnum mosses. An eagerly-awaited reference for all botanists. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Atlas des oiseaux marins nicheurs des territoires français d’outre-mer 9782366623116 €45.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Keita and the Dolphins - A traditional fisherman's tale 9782366623178 €12.00 The story of Keita and the Dolphins was adapted from a tale shared by a storyteller in a fishing community in the Republic of Guinea, Ibrahima Sory Camara. Stories of dolphins helping fishermen to find fish, and of dolphins rescuing humans who fall into the sea are common throughout the countries where Atlantic humpback dolphins occur. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Keita et les dauphins - Un conte traditionnel de pêcheurs 9782366623161 €12.00 Book in french Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024 - Les plus belles photos de nature 9782366623185 €34.00 The 100 best photographs of the year ! The 60th Nature Photographer of the Year competition attracted 60,000 entries from 23 countries. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Etymologia Botanica - Dictionnaire des noms latins 9782366623192 €39.00 Add to cart
On sale! Pack Naturalist bookstore Pack Les libellules de France B,L,S et le cahier d'identification des libellules France... 978_PACK_ORTHOLIB €65.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Cahier d'identification des Orthoptères de France, Belgique, Luxembourg & Suisse 9782366622706 €39.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Cahier d'identification des libellules de France, Belgique, Luxembourg et Suisse 9782366623260 €30.00 Add to cart
On sale! Pack Naturalist bookstore Pack Les libellules de France B,L,S et le cahier d'identification des libellules France... 978_PACK_LFBLCALIB €75.00 Add to cart
On sale! Pack Naturalist bookstore Pack Les poissons d'eau douce de France + le cahier d'identification des poissons d'eau... 978_PACK_POISSON €71.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les Libellules de France, Belgique, Luxembourg & Suisse - 3ème édition 9782366623055 €49.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Cahier d’identification des poissons d’eau douce 9782366623062 €30.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2023 - Les plus belles photos de nature 9782366623079 €34.00 The 100 best photographs of the year ! This exceptional portfolio brings together the winning photos from the 2023 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.For the 59ᵉ edition of the Nature Photographer of the Year competition, there were 50,000 entries from 30 countries. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Manuel des champignons comestibles et toxiques 9782366623048 €30.00 With its identification keys and very precise illustrations, this book is also a recommended guide to begin studying fungi, enabling readers to familiarise themselves with the different morphological groups, the terminology used by mycologists and how to recognise the main species. PUBLISHED END OF JULY Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Géotourisme en Côte d'Armor 9782914817967 €15.00 Geotourism in the Côtes d'Armor" brings our geological heritage to a wider public, with a focus on education. At around thirty sites, the memory of Brittany's rocks and the formation of some of the most exceptional landscapes on the Armor coast are explained: Grèves blanches et roses at Trégastel, Pierre Sonnantes at St-Cast-le-Guildo, the volcanic site... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore La flore du Massif armoricain et ses marges - Bretagne, Basse-Normandie, Pays de la... 9782366623017 €45.00 This book is intended to be accessible to all users interested in botany, using non-technical vocabulary and identification aids based on simple visual criteria. All the species are illustrated with photographs by the author. Add to cart