Librairie naturaliste Flora of Madagascar and the Comoro Islands - Boraginales, Olacaceae and allies 9782856539750 45,00 € BOOK ENTIRELY IN ENGLISH Madagascar, the “red Island”, hosts a distinctive and highly diverse flora estimated to comprise about 14,000 species of vascular plants, about 83 % of which are endemic. Endemism is also significant among genera, and the island also has 5 endemic families of angiosperms. This exceptional diversity results mainly from the wide... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste The genus triturus - History - Biology - Systematics - Captive Breeding 9783899735277 88,00 € Preface by Wolf-Rüdiger Große. With a chapter on the history of the research on Crested and Marbled Newts by Josef F. Schmidtler, a chapter on skin toxins by Dietrich Mebs and a chapter on diseases and captive management by Frank Pasmans and An Martel. Currently the genus Triturus comprises the group of Crested Newts (Triturus anatolicus, Triturus... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos volume 32 - Azooxanthellate Scleractinia (Cnidaria, Anthozoa)... 9782856539354 99,00 € As a continuation of the Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, the series Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos is dedicated to the exploration, inventory, and description of the deep-sea fauna of the world, with special emphasis on the most extensive, yet remote and least explored, region — the Indo-West Pacific. The comprehensive series of marine expeditions... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Status and threats of Afrotropical amphibians - Sub-saharan Africa, Madagascar, Western... 9783899373103 98,00 € Due to their physiology, morphology and complex life cycles, amphibian species are often highly habitat-specific and particularly threatened by environmental changes. Currently more than one third of all species is believed to be threatened. The worldwide decline of amphibians therefore has become a symbol for the Global Biodiversity Crisis.Whereas in... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste All the Birds of the World 9788416728374 85,00 € OUVRAGE EN ANGLAIS La façon la plus simple et la plus agréable de parcourir tous les oiseaux du monde. Pour la toute première fois, vous pouvez contempler tous les oiseaux du monde ensemble dans un seul volume facile à utiliser et entièrement illustré. Créé pour un large public, des ornithologues débutants aux ornithologues experts et à tous ceux qui... Ajouter au panier
Promo ! -20,00 € Librairie naturaliste Illustrated Checklist of the Mammals of the World 9788416728367 190,00 € 210,00 € Un coffret de deux volumes. OUVRAGE EN ANGLAIS It took several years to produce the entire series of the Handbook of the Mammals of the World (HMW), and we are now happy to provide a new, comprehensive Illustrated Checklist of the Mammals of the World. This latest work updates the taxonomy of each currently recognized species of mammal, providing a... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos - Volume 31 - Deep-Sea Crustaceans from Papa New Guinea 9782856539132 79,00 € Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos, a continuation of Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, is a series dedicated to the inventory and description of the deep-sea fauna of the world, with special emphasis on the most extensive, yet remote and least explored, region — the Indo-West Pacific. The comprehensive series of marine expeditions undertaken by the French... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Geckos of Madagascar, the Seychelles, Comoros and Mascarene Islands 9783899733624 40,00 € This volume of Terralog is a presentation of the geckos inhabiting the islands of Madagascar, the Seychelles, Comoros and Mascarenes. Without any doubt, members of the genera Phelsuma and Uroplatus are amongst the most popular geckos native to the numerous islands of the western IndianOcean. The present treatise pictures several as yet undescribed forms,... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Salamanders and Newts of Europe, North Africa and Western Asia 9783899733693 40,00 € Portraying the tailed amphibians of Europe, North Africa, and western Asia, this is the first volume of the Terralog series to be dedicated to a group of amphibians. Particular emphasis lies on the fire salamanders whose distribution range almost equals the region covered by this volume.Other representatives of this polymorphic order of vertebrates, on... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Venomous snakes of South America 9783899733679 50,00 € This volume of Terralog is a presentation of the venomous snakes of South America - all of the about 180 taxa currently recognized or under description of the families Elapidae and Viperidae, several of them with colour variations. A few of these species are depicted in a book for the first time. The newest systematics is introduced. Controversial... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste European Pond Turtle - Emys orbicularis 9783899736045 32,80 € Emys orbicularis is the turtle with the widest distribution range in Europe. Its relationship with man has been a long and varying one, stretching from serving as food during times of fast durinf the Dark Ages to being regarded as an acutely threatened species in the present. Manfred Rogner's book also show that it ranks amongst the most intensively... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Amphibians and Reptiles of the St. Vincent and Grenada Banks, West Indies 9783899734836 60,00 € In the Eastern Caribbean, the more than 40 islands of the St. Vincent Bank and the Grenada Bank (Grenada and the Grenadine Islands) harbor at least 32 species of frogs and reptiles. Like many West Indian islands, the combined herpetofaunas of the two island banks comprise a mixture of native (including island and bank endemics) and introduced species.... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Venomous terrestrial Snakes of the Middle East 9783899734461 40,00 € Venomous terrestrial Snakes of the Middle East is an important contribution to the understanding of the snake fauna in region where bites from venomous snakes are not uncommon. Venomous snakes are a substantial and ecologically important part of the biodiversity of the Middle East and constitute some of the more well known species in that part of the... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Chameleons of Africa 9783899731156 128,00 € This second edition “is written by a leading expert on the group, so that means it’s up to date and comprehensive. The success of the first edition (2010) meant that the book was very soon ‘out of print’ […]. However, the revision was no simple task as a lot has happened in chameleon biology and taxonomy in the eight years between this revision and its... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Amphibians and Reptiles of Morocco 9783899731170 128,00 € Morocco is one of the most biodiverse regions in North Africa and its herpetofauna has been the subject of numerous studies, being well-known compared to other North African countries.In addition to this, Morocco has been considered in recent years as one of the most touristic countries in the region, being safe and open to tourism. They are many foreign... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Marine Bivalves of Tropical West Africa 9782856538883 69,00 € Bivalves are one of the most important groups of marine animals: they are abundant in benthic communities, they are sought after as seafood or ornament, and their shells are almost always conspicuous on the world’s beaches. This identification guide for West African marine bivalves covers 462 species belonging to 59 families, based on an extensive... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos - Volume 30 - Chirostylidae of the Western and Central Pacific 9782856538227 89,00 € Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos, a continuation of Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, is a series dedicated to the inventory and description of the deep-sea fauna of the world, with special emphasis on the most extensive, yet remote and least explored, region — the Indo-West Pacific. The comprehensive series of marine expeditions undertaken by the French Muséum... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Fossil Crustacea of Lebanon 9782856537855 69,00 € Ce volume est consacré aux crustacés fossiles (Crustacea : Decapoda, Isopoda, Lophogastrida, Stomatopoda, Cirripedia) des Konservat-Lagerstätten du Crétacé supérieur du Liban, Moyen-Orient. Bien que la connaissance de ces groupes ait beaucoup progressé ces dernières années, les crustacés fossiles du Liban restent peu étudiés et leur importance est... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos - Volume 29 9782856537749 89,00 € The deep benthos of tropical seas is one of the last frontiers of biodiversity exploration, and a major reservoir of species still unknown to science. The French National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) and Institute for Research for Development (IRD) are conducting an unprecedented series of research cruises in the South and West Pacific, totalling so... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Mollusques continentaux de la Martinique / Non-Marine Molluscs of Martinique, Lesser... 9782366620139 30,00 € Ce magnifique ouvrage, bilingue (français et anglais), traite d’une composante faunistique largement méconnue et pourtant fascinante de l’île de la Martinique (Antilles françaises) : les mollusques continentaux (terrestres et d’eau douce). FEUILLETER Mollusques continentaux de la Martinique Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Tropical deep-sea benthos - volume 27 9782856536926 99,00 € Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos is a series dedicated to the inventory of the world’s deep-sea fauna, especially those found in the little-explored Indo-West Pacific. Growing out of the French National Museum of Natural History and Institut de Recherche pour le Développement’s recent expeditions off Mozambique, Madagascar, and Papua New Guinea, this volume... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste An introduction to Hydrozoa 9782856535806 89,00 € Hydrozoa occur in all aquatic habitats. They form part of the plankton, the hardand soft-bottom macrobenthos, and the meiofauna. They can also be symbiotic with a wide variety of animals and plants, and some are parasitic. Some hydrozoans are famous experimental animals, such as Hydra and Hydractinia. The presence of polyp and medusa stages in the life... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste How vertebrates moved onto land 9782856536674 55,00 € Among vertebrates, the evolutionary transition from an aquatic or amphibious to a fully terrestrial life seems to have occurred potentially more than once within the clade. These events probably occurred in the Carboniferous. New selective pressures faced by the first amphibious or terrestrial vertebrates due to environmental constraints in their new... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Systematics, Biology, and Distribution of the Species of the Oceanic Oarfish Genus... 9782856536773 69,00 € The hoarfish is almost a mythical animal which may pertain to cryptozoology, considering how much it has at times fascinated or terrified fishermen, sailors and scientists all around the world since the Middle-Age. This splendid monograph provides a great amount of information about the species of the genus Regalecus and their remarkable biology. There... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Les Orchidées de Madagascar / Orchids of Madagascar 9782914817561 69,00 € Cet ouvrage sur les orchidées de Madagascar bilingue français/anglais est appelé à devenir une référence. Plus de 400 espèces sont présentées et illustrées de photographies, soit près de la moitié des orchidées répertoriées à Madagascar, proportion remarquable du fait que beaucoup d’espèces restent difficiles à observer. Ce livre vous permettra de... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Field guide to the hard corals of the southern coast of yemen (Les coraux du Yemen) 9782914817462 39,00 € Le Sud du Yémen présente des fonds marins de toute beauté. Les coraux y abondent. À la suite de très nombreuses plongées, les auteurs ont pu dresser un catalogue de ces animaux fascinants. Chaque espèce fait l’objet d’une monographie détaillée qui donne de nombreuses informations pour leur identification, mais aussi sur leur écologie et leur... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Madagascar - The forest of our ancestors (Version anglaise) 9782952996921 29,90 € A journey into the heart of the most exceptional rainforest in the world, where a large diversity of animals and plants emblematic of Madagascar, such as lemurs, chameleons and orchid live. These very species are today among the planet's most threatened since 90% of the surface area of forest which covered the island has disappeared, half of that during... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Poissons d’eaux douces et saumâtres de l’Afrique de l’ouest Vol. 1 & 2 (vendus ensembles) 9782856535615 90,00 € Cet ouvrage Poissons d’eaux douces et saumâtres de l’Afrique de l’ouest Vol. 1 & 2 bilingue en 2 tomes s’adresse tout particulièrement aux ichtyologues pour les aider dans la détermination des espèces récoltées. Les clés sont souvent complétées par des tableaux récapitulatifs permettant de comparer les principales caractéristiques morphologiques et... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Poissons d’eaux douces et saumâtres de basse Guinée, ouest de l’Afrique centrale vol. 1... 9782856535776 90,00 € La basse Guinée possède sa propre identité ichtyologique et regroupe 580 espèces dont plus de la moitié semble endémique. Le classement taxonomique est donné par famille avec un ensemble de clefs communes à tous les genres. Pour chaque espèce, on trouve une illustration et une description des caractéristiques morphologiques essentielles ainsi qu’une carte... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Coquillages et escargots de Guyane - Seashells and snails from French Guiana 9782914817189 70,00 € Pour ce guide coquillages et escargots de Guyane, pour partie bilingue, la constitution d'un collège de quatre auteurs a permis de dresser un inventaire inédit de la malacofaune d'une vaste région jusqu'alors inexplorée. L'ouvrage s'ouvre sur une présentation générale des milieux naturels rencontrés, baignés par les eaux douces ou salées. Il revient... Ajouter au panier
Librairie naturaliste Conservation et studbook international du Faisan d’Edwards (Lophura edwardsi) 9782865151042 5,50 € Le Faisan d’Edwards avait été déclaré probablement éteint en 1992. Sa surprenante redécouverte en 1996 a apporté un regain d’intérêt pour ce faisan. La publication de cet ouvrage est donc l’occasion de faire le point sur toutes les connaissances concernant ce galliforme. Textes en FRANCAIS et en ANGLAIS Ajouter au panier