A Geological Walk around Marseille
A Geological Walk around Marseille

A Geological Walk around Marseille

article Biotope

3,79 € HT

4,00 €

The series “Balades geologiques“ invites you to discover a cultural heritage marked by the amazing link between local human history and the geological past.

Each leafl et tells the story of a city, through an itinerary, and describes the stones; their origins; and their use for buildings, monuments, and streets.

The step-by-step itinerary is full of historical anecdotes and geological details that are abundantly illustrated with maps, photographs, and thematic developments, creating a truly unique visit.

Let’s discover the city in a new light!

Point of interest:
• La gare Saint-Charles
• Le Grand Escalier
• Le Palais Longchamp
• La Fontaine des Danaïdes
• L’église des Réformés
• La Librairie Tacussel
• Le Musée d’Histoire
• Le Port Antique de Marseille
• La Cathédrale Sainte-Mairie-Majeure

Biotope / Publications scientifiques du MNHN
Anne-Sabine GROSJEAN, Catherine DUREUIL
Type de couverture
Souple avec rabats
Nombre de pages

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