New Naturalist bookstore Les Procris de France, French Forester Moths 9782746696242 €34.00 128 pages in French and English, to review the state of knowledge on the 14 species of Procris that inhabit continental France. The aim of this book is to enable you to accurately determine, by means of a partially illustrated determination key, these famous green zygens so often absent from your inventories and collections. Add to cart
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Naturalist bookstore Guide géologique - Calanques et sources de Cassis 9791097502492 €24.90 Near the small town of Cassis, on the outskirts of Marseille, lies the mysterious brackish underground river of Port Miou, flowing beneath the arid landscape of the Calanques massif. Known since ancient times, this underground watercourse was only studied after the invention of the scuba diving suit in the 1950s. This guide recounts the extraordinary... Add to cart