Naturalist bookstore Acoustic Ecology of European Bats - Second edition article Biotope 9782366622447 €46.45 Bats, being nocturnal flying mammals, have developed a special and very efficient means of navigating in the dark: the sonar. Although the acoustic signals they emit are inaudible to the human ear, they can be perceived, recorded and analysed with appropriate equipment and software. This book is a product of the knowledge and skill acquired by its author... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore CD wild beasts article diffusé 3770001513324 €14.17 The sound discovery of wild mammals is often complex: it is a contrast between the intricacies of a breath, a rustle, a yelp and the power of travel, a rant, a combat. The observation of mammals requires knowledge of land acquired over many years listening to them. Add to cart