Naturalist bookstore Atlas des poissons et des crustacés d'eau douce des Comores, Mascareignes et Seychelles article diffusé 9782856535974 €13.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Invasive Alien Species in Seychelles article Biotope 9782366621372 €35.00 Identification and management of priority species. Why and how to eliminate them. This book addresses conservation practitioners, island managers, scientists, naturalists and any person willing to learn more about invasive species and how to fight them. Part one provides information about invasive species and how they threaten ecosystems, public health,... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Geckos of Madagascar, the Seychelles, Comoros and Mascarene Islands article diffusé 9783899733624 €40.00 This volume of Terralog is a presentation of the geckos inhabiting the islands of Madagascar, the Seychelles, Comoros and Mascarenes. Without any doubt, members of the genera Phelsuma and Uroplatus are amongst the most popular geckos native to the numerous islands of the western IndianOcean. The present treatise pictures several as yet undescribed forms,... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flore des Mascareignes - La Réunion, Maurice, Rodrigues - 202 Cypéracées 9782366622157 €18.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Mousses et hépatiques de France – 3e édition enrichie 9782366622935 €29.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Remarkables plants of Vanuatu 9782366621570 €30.00 This guide on the remarkable flora of Vanuatu aims to raise awareness of plant diversity of Vanuatu and conservation issues associated with it.The 236 plants presented were selected for their outstanding character commonly encountered species, specific morphological characters (large fruit, beautiful flowers, foliage stinging, etc.) or significant... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flore des Mascareignes - La Réunion, Maurice, Rodrigues - 203 Graminées 9782366622164 €32.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Aracées de Guyane française - Biologie et systématique 9782856537794 €40.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les Amphibiens et les Reptiles du Languedoc-Roussillon 9782914817530 €39.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Invasive Alien Species in Seychelles article Biotope 9782366621372 €35.00 Identification and management of priority species. Why and how to eliminate them. This book addresses conservation practitioners, island managers, scientists, naturalists and any person willing to learn more about invasive species and how to fight them. Part one provides information about invasive species and how they threaten ecosystems, public health,... Add to cart