Naturalist bookstore CD songs of grasshoppers of France 3770001513263 €17.00 The audio guide presents the songs of 55 species of grasshoppers, and dectiques Ephippigers recorded directly in nature. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les Héliconias de Guyane française article Biotope 9782914817974 €15.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Regards naturalistes sur le Marais breton vendéen 9782914817950 €20.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Cuvier's History of the Natural Sciences - 24 lessons from Antiquity to the Renaissance 9782856536841 €24.50 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Histoire naturelle des familles et sous-familles endémiques d'oiseaux de Madagascar 9782953892321 €45.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore The Small Mammals of Madagascar 9782953892314 €45.00 This book is the second in the series "Guides to the Biological Diversity of Madagascar", published by the Vahatra Association. It has been designed to be accessible to a wider audience. Through this book, Malagasy people will be able to learn more about their natural heritage, protected area managers will discover the animals they are trying to preserve,... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore The Bats of Madagascar 9782953892307 €35.00 In this first book in a series entitled "Guides to the Biological Diversity of Madagascar", published by the Vahatra Association, Dr Steven Goodman compiles a range of information on the island's bats. The aim of this series is to provide naturalists, students and the general public with information about Madagascar's unique and threatened biodiversity.... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore De Saint-Guilhem à l’Espinouse - Voyage dans les forêts de l’Hérault 9782914817813 €25.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Hyper Nature - Une Révolution de l'image naturaliste 9782914817752 €29.90 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Orchids of Madagascar 9782914817561 €69.00 This book on orchids of Madagascar bilingual French / English will become a reference.More than 400 species are presented and illustrated with photographs, nearly half of orchids listed in Madagascar, remarkable proportion of the fact that many species are difficult to observe. This book will help you discover and identify on the ground throughout the... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Dans l'épaisseur du temps - Archéologues et géologues inventent la préhistoire 9782856536667 €17.50 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore L'extinction d'espèce - Histoire d'un concept & enjeux éthiques 9782856536568 €22.50 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Field guide to the hard corals of the southern coast of yemen 9782914817462 €39.00 Field guide to the hard corals of the southern coast of yemen Between the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, dotting the northern coast of the Gulf of Aden, the coral reefs of the South Yemeni coast deserve the full attention and interest of scientiste, naturaliste, ecologists, amateur and professional divers and indeed of the public at large. Although by no... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore MADAGASCAR - The forest of our ancestors (English version) 9782952996921 €29.90 A journey into the heart of the most exceptional rainforest in the world, where a large diversity of animals and plants emblematic of Madagascar, such as lemurs, chameleons and orchid live. These very species are today among the planet's most threatened since 90% of the surface area of forest which covered the island has disappeared, half of that during... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flore Forestière Française - Tome 3 Région Méditerranéenne 9782904740930 €69.00 Add to cart
Reptiles et amphibiens Atlas des amphibiens et reptiles de la Seine-Saint-Denis 9782914817424 €25.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Atlas de la flore sauvage du département du Val-de-Marne 9782914817479 €30.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Collections naturalistes entre science et empires (1763-1804) 9782856536414 €21.00 Add to cart