Naturalist bookstore Systematics, Biology, and Distribution of the Species of the Oceanic Oarfish Genus... 9782856536773 €69.00 The hoarfish is almost a mythical animal which may pertain to cryptozoology, considering how much it has at times fascinated or terrified fishermen, sailors and scientists all around the world since the Middle-Age. This splendid monograph provides a great amount of information about the species of the genus Regalecus and their remarkable biology. There... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide nature - Randonnées dans les zones humides de France 9782366621594 €24.50 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Géotourisme en Mayenne - Petit guide géologique pour tous 9782366622294 €15.00 This little guide owes a great deal to the geologists who, for more than a century, have been deciphering the memory of the Armorican rocks to tell their story, which spans more than 2 billion years. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Oiseaux au fil d’étangs : à la découverte des oiseaux du littoral languedocien 9782914817097 €15.00 Add to cart