Naturalist bookstore Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique, du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, du Nord de la France et... 9789072619051 €55.00 The Meise Botanic Garden has been publishing the official flora of Belgium and neighbouring regions for 50 years. With each new edition, great attention is paid to changes in distribution, naming and classification, as well as to new plant species that have recently become established. As a result, this reference work remains the most accurate and... Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Naturalist bookstore Flora Helvetica - Flore illustrée de Suisse - 6ème édition 9783258083506 €178.00 6th edition with 3250 descriptions of flowering plants, ferns and cultivated plants, with distribution maps. The reference work on Swiss flora in a new, revised edition All the wild flowering plants and ferns of Switzerland are illustrated with colour photographs and described with botanical precision New edition includes around 60 additional... View
Naturalist bookstore Flore écologique de Belgique et des régions limitrophes 9782807359499 €26.90 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Plants from season to season - Format e-book (English) 9782366622980 €15.00 The pleasure of observing phenology What links exist between climate and the annual cycle of plants? What mechanisms control the opening of buds? What are the projections in a context of climat change?These are all questions that phenology specialistsanswer in this book, showing how plants mark the rhythm of the changing seasons. This guide will also give... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Petite flore de France - Belgique, Luxembourg, Suisse 9782410026221 €39.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flore de la France méditerranéenne continentale 9782909717906 €96.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Quelle est cette plante? - Fleurs sauvages, graminées, arbres et arbustes. Les... 9782379220449 €25.90 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Atlas de la flore sauvage du département du Loiret - Format e-book 9782366620870 €20.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide des Fougères et plantes alliées des Mascareignes. La Réunion, Maurice et... 9782366621037 €23.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Atlas de la flore sauvage de Bourgogne - Format e-book 9782366620887 €15.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Norvège, Finlande, Suède - 20 ans de prospections naturalistes - Format e-book 9782366620498 €17.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Amphibiens et les reptiles du centre-ouest de la France - Format e-book 9782366620580 €15.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flore des Mascareignes - La Réunion, Maurice, Rodrigues - 202 Cypéracées 9782366622157 €18.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flora Helvetica - Guide d'excursions (2e édition) 9783258082837 €48.00 This field guide will help you to identify all the vascular plants found in Switzerland, using precise and easily accessible criteria based on identifying characteristics that are adapted to the terrain. Detailed drawings make it easy to identify many species.Touring Flora’ is the essential complement to the reference work “Flora Helvetica” - now in a... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Nouvelle édition - Flore forestière française - Tome 1 Plaines et collines 9782916525471 €69.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flora gallica - Complete Flora of France 9782366620122 €89.00 A major publishing event for European botany. Biotope editions and Botanical Society of France have Flora Gallica, the first comprehensive flora of vascular plants of France for decades! A small revolution for lovers of botany ... Nearly 15 years of work were needed to a committee of more than 60 recognized experts, convened by the Botanical Society of... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore french fish post - Brackish water POS_9782914817936 €12.00 A wonderful educational post containing all species of freshwater fish frequenting brackish waters mullet, flounder, sun perch, sturgeon, pike ...It contains information on the status of the species (heritage, introduced migratory), the size or the latin name.This poster 60x80cm size was printed on high quality paper that will ensure it excellent... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore French fish post - Flatwater POS_9782914817929 €12.00 A wonderful educational post containing all species of freshwater fish attending the calm waters: carp, tench, pike, catfish, minnow, stickleback ...It contains information on the status of species (heritage, introduced migratory), the size or the latin name.This poster 60x80cm size was printed on high quality paper that will ensure it excellent... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore French fish post - Whitewater plain POS_9782914817912 €12.00 A wonderful educational post containing all species of freshwater fish attending Whitewater foothill and plain shad, eel, chub, lamprey, barbel ...It includes information on the status of species (heritage, introduced migratory), and the average size and the Latin name.This poster 60x80cm size was printed on high quality paper that will ensure it... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore French fish post - Whitewater altitude POS_9782914817905 €12.00 A wonderful educational post containing all species of freshwater fish attending whitewater clear and highly oxygenated medium and high altitude: trout, salmon, asparagus, char ...This poster 60x80cm size was printed on high quality paper that will ensure it excellent performance over time. It is part of a complete series of posters featuring all species... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Flore Forestière Française - Tome 3 Région Méditerranéenne 9782904740930 €69.00 Add to cart