Naturalist bookstore Les Libellules de France, Belgique, Luxembourg & Suisse - 3ème édition 9782366623055 €49.00 Add to cart
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Naturalist bookstore Noctuidae Europaeae Essential 9788797380406 €200.00 This book deals with all 1623 known species of European Noctuids. The concise text describes habitats, flight periods, larval food plants and distribution of every European species and their distribution outside Europe. Other topics, including subspecies, generations, frequency and pests are also covered. The European distribution for every species is... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Atlas illustré des Rhopalocères du Bénin 9782956266709 €180.00 A monumental work including all the know species and subspecies of butterflies known from Benin. Both sexes illustrated life size, recto and verso, for each species. Many varieties also illustrated. 3,100 photos, of both set specimens and living butterflies in the field, on 230 plates. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Coléoptères Chrysomelidae. Volume 3 : Hispinae et Cassidinae 9782903052317 €45.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Coléoptères Chrysomelidae. Volume 2 : Alticinae 9782903052140 €38.00 Add to cart
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Naturalist bookstore Hémiptères Pentatomoidea Euro-Méditerranéens (Volume 3) 9782903052324 €70.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Hémiptères Pentatomoidea Euro-Méditerranéens (Volume 2) 9782903052355 €78.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Faune n° 97 – Criquets de France (Orthoptera Caelifera) volume 1, fasc.a & b 9782903052362 €65.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Histoires surnaturelles. Alliances, ruses et stratagèmes entre plantes et insectes 9782889584918 €39.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos volume 33 - Deep-Sea Crustaceans from South-West Indian Ocean 9782856539798 €69.00 Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos, a continuation of Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, is a series dedicated to the inventory and description of the deep-sea fauna of the world, with special emphasis on the most extensive, yet remote and least explored, region — the Indo-West Pacific. The comprehensive series of marine expeditions undertaken by the French Muséum... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les Hyménoptères sphéciformes d’Europe, volume 2 9782903052430 €75.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les Hyménoptères sphéciformes d’Europe, volume 2 9782903052423 €75.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les Hyménoptères sphéciformes d’Europe, volume 1 9782903052416 €70.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore West Palaearctic Papilionidae - 27 sp. in natura 9782958518707 €38.00 The Papilionidae constitute a particularly attractive family, with large and spectacular species. Their behavior is often very favorable to the photographer in the field, and moreover the number of species is limited in the area studied, and thus makes it possible to constitute a collection of modest size. However, the quest for these species is... Add to cart