Naturalist bookstore Insectes et forêt, des relations complexes et essentielles article diffusé 9782916525433 €12.00 Add to cart
Field equipment & software Cage for the observation of insects and other animals - 30 x 30 x 30 cm article diffusé 26.103 €29.90 This folding cage is 30x30x30 cm and has 7 sides with breathable nets and a plastic side for easy observation of insects or other animals.It is an ideal device for nature animations and for taking time to observe and photograph the small animals. Add to cart
Field equipment & software Insect hoover with 50 ml collection bottle article diffusé ASPIRATEUR_INSECTE €14.90 This hoover allows small organisms to be safely sucked out of a 100 ml polythene bottle with a cap.Sight hunting with an insect hoover is an easy protocol to implement and allows the capture of insects or other small animals without killing them or touching them. This makes it easy to study them before releasing them. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Dictionnaire visuel des arbres et arbustes communs - Nouvelle édition 9782379223020 €32.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide de la faune profonde de la mer Méditerranée - Explorations des roches et canyons... 9782856538029 €27.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide des Oiseaux d'Europe - Manuel d'Identification Photographique 9782366622959 €39.00 French version With 900 species covered and over 4,700 photographs, this is the most comprehensive and ambitious photographic guide to European birds ever produced.Easy to use, practical and accessible to all, this guide provides the information needed by ornithologists of all levels to identify the birds of Europe. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Faune n° 97 – Criquets de France (Orthoptera Caelifera) volume 1, fasc.a & b 9782903052362 €65.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Atlas des amphibiens et des reptiles des Pays de la Loire 9782368333501 €29.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Insects of Mount Wilhelm Papua New Guinea - volume 2 9782856538364 €89.00 Papua New Guinea possesses among the most remarkable ecosystems in the world in terms of plant species richness and marine biodiversity. During the biotic survey “Our Planet Reviewed – Papua New Guinea 2012-2013” more than two hundred people have explored these ecosystems, from the bottom of the Bismarck Sea to the summit of Mount Wilhelm, its highest... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Insectes ravageurs et maladies des arbres et arbustes d'Europe article diffusé 9782913688179 €139.00 Add to cart