Naturalist bookstore Champignons, guide de terrain - 2ème édition revue et augmentée 9782940585823 €36.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Atlas of Selected Land Vertebrates of Madagascar 9782953892352 €55.00 Madagascar, one of the world's largest islands, is home to an exceptional biodiversity of endemic vertebrates. Although numerous publications have appeared in recent decades, covering subjects ranging from technical documents to species descriptions and field guides, until now a detailed atlas has been lacking. This bilingual French-English volume,... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore The Amphibians of Northern Madagascar 9782953892376 €45.00 This book presents the amphibian species that inhabit the northern part of Madagascar. It is aimed at researchers involved in research and conservation projects, as well as tourists visiting Madagascar. Better knowledge of the species and their way of life is one of the essential tools for preserving Madagascar's remarkable frogs. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore The Amphibians of the Dry Zones and West and South Madagascar 9782953892369 €35.00 This richly illustrated guide in French offers both a detailed introduction to the amphibians of Madagascar and the most comprehensive information ever gathered on the forty-five species of frogs known from the drylands of the west. It provides details on the identification, vocalisations, larvae, geographical distribution, habitats and conservation... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Extinct Madagascar 9782953892345 €45.00 Madagascar's current biodiversity fascinates us with its particularities, but that of the past, now lost, remains largely beyond our imagination. Using scientific evidence from 13 different palaeontological and archaeological sites, the authors examined the ecological changes that have occurred over recent geological time. This approach has opened up a... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Noctuidae Europaeae Essential 9788797380406 €200.00 This book deals with all 1623 known species of European Noctuids. The concise text describes habitats, flight periods, larval food plants and distribution of every European species and their distribution outside Europe. Other topics, including subspecies, generations, frequency and pests are also covered. The European distribution for every species is... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Atlas illustré des Rhopalocères du Bénin 9782956266709 €180.00 A monumental work including all the know species and subspecies of butterflies known from Benin. Both sexes illustrated life size, recto and verso, for each species. Many varieties also illustrated. 3,100 photos, of both set specimens and living butterflies in the field, on 230 plates. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Manuel des champignons comestibles et toxiques 9782366623048 €30.00 With its identification keys and very precise illustrations, this book is also a recommended guide to begin studying fungi, enabling readers to familiarise themselves with the different morphological groups, the terminology used by mycologists and how to recognise the main species. PUBLISHED END OF JULY Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Le Guide expert de l'ornitho - Pour éviter les pièges de l'identification 9782603027677 €34.90 Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Naturalist bookstore Mammals of Madagascar 9788416728480 €22.00 This illustrated checklist covers Madagascar, one of the world’s highest-priority Biodiversity Hotspots, and country renowned for its amazing fauna and flora and especially its very large number of extraordinary endemic species. Madagascar is also one of the world’s four major regions for primates, with 112 endemic species and subspecies of lemur. Given... View
Naturalist bookstore Identifier les rapaces en vol - Europe, Afrique du Nord et Moyen-Orient 9782603024720 €49.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Dictionnaire visuel des arbres et arbustes communs - Nouvelle édition 9782379223020 €32.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu (1748-1836) - Fabrique d'une science botanique 9782856539866 €45.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les amphibiens de France - Guide d'identification des oeufs et des larves 9782759226641 €35.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Plants from season to season - Format e-book (English) 9782366622980 €15.00 The pleasure of observing phenology What links exist between climate and the annual cycle of plants? What mechanisms control the opening of buds? What are the projections in a context of climat change?These are all questions that phenology specialistsanswer in this book, showing how plants mark the rhythm of the changing seasons. This guide will also give... Add to cart
On sale! Pack Naturalist bookstore Pack Atlas des oiseaux migrateurs de France + Cahier d'identification des Passereaux... 978_PACK_MIGPASS €150.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Identifier les animaux - Tous les vertébrés de France, Benelux, Grande-Bretagne et Irlande 9782366622973 €30.00 Five nature books in one!A veritable guide to vertebrates, enabling you to identify 635 species with precision and simplicity, including all birds (breeding, wintering and passing through), mammals (including cetaceans and bats), reptiles, amphibians and freshwater fish. The area covered includes the British Isles, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Petite flore de France - Belgique, Luxembourg, Suisse 9782410026221 €39.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Fourmis de France, de Belgique et du Luxembourg 9782603029398 €30.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Requins, raies et chimères d'Europe et de Méditerranée 9782603028629 €35.90 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Mammifères d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient 9782603027424 €39.00 Add to cart