Field equipment & software Ultrasonic sensor for bats Pettersson D240X article diffusé D240X €1,199.00 The Pettersson D240X is an ultrasonic sensor easy to handle and very powerful for converting ultrasound in an audible sound. It is primarily designed to study bats and other animals emit ultrasons.Le detector has two independent ultrasonic conversion systems, a heterodyne system and a time expansion system. The detector is equipped with a digital display... Add to cart
Field equipment & software SM4BAT Wildlife Acoustics with one SMM-U2 microphone and one 5 meter cable article diffusé PACK_SM4BAT+_SMMU2 €1,499.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Ballet nocturne - Un regard sur les chauves-souris de l'Arc jurassien article diffusé 9782940585182 €41.00 Add to cart
Field equipment & software Pettersson u384 USB ultrasonic microphone USB-C article diffusé MICRO U384 €399.00 The NEW u384 USB ultrasonic microphone, like the M500-384 microphone, allows you to make good quality, full spectrum recordings of bat emissions (allows identification of Plecotus and Myotis according to Michel BARATAUD) or other ultrasonic signals (e.g. orthopteran songs).This mini micro u384, very handy and energy efficient, works with most operating... Add to cart
Field equipment & software SonoChiro - Software for automatic analysis of bat records article diffusé ABO_SONOCHIRO_V4 €1,200.00 Developed by BIOTOPE, SonoChiro allows the identification of 111 species of bats from Europe, the Amazon Basin, the British Isles and the Lesser Antilles. Sonochiro provides a valuable aid for all users of ultrasound detectors, especially in the case of stand-alone recorders allowing the accumulation of large volumes of data (SMXBAT, D500X Pettersson,... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Encyclopédie des fruitiers sauvages ou méconnus 9782379221941 €35.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore A la découverte des Orchidées de Rhône-Alpes - 2ème édition 9782366622003 €30.00 Add to cart
Field equipment & software Lampe frontale Petzl SWIFT RL noire - Au choix 900 lumens ou 1100 lumens PETZL_SWIFTRL_CORE €89.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Atlas illustré des libellules de la région Rhône-Alpes 9782914817271 €15.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Cahier d'identification des libellules de France, Belgique, Luxembourg et Suisse 9782366623260 €30.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Guide écologique des champignons Périgord, Quercy et départements limitrophes 9782958193249 €24.90 Add to cart
Field equipment & software SMX-U1. The new ultrasonic microphone for SM2BAT+ NEW_MICRO_SM2BAT €299.00 SMX-U1 : The new ultrasonic microphone for SM2BAT+ (for bats). Here's the short story: New FG element. The same kind we use for our top-of-the-line Song Meter SM3BAT and SMZC recorders. Totally new weather-proof design. The FG element and new weather-proof membrane means years of reliable recordings in the harshest of weather. More robust construction... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Insectes et forêt, des relations complexes et essentielles 9782916525433 €12.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Norvège, Finlande, Suède - 20 ans de prospections naturalistes - Format e-book 9782366620498 €17.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore The Largest Avian Radiation article diffusé 9788416728336 €85.00 The Evolution of Perching Birds, or the Order Passeriformes With more than 6200 species, the perching – or passerine – birds represent one of the most remarkably rapid proliferations of species. The traditional classification of birds, which was mainly based on comparative anatomical studies more than 100 years ago, could do little to resolve the... Add to cart