Naturalist bookstore Flora gallica - Complete Flora of France article Biotope 9782366620122 €89.00 A major publishing event for European botany. Biotope editions and Botanical Society of France have Flora Gallica, the first comprehensive flora of vascular plants of France for decades! A small revolution for lovers of botany ... Nearly 15 years of work were needed to a committee of more than 60 recognized experts, convened by the Botanical Society of... Add to cart
Equipment Triplet Loupe botanist monocular 10*21 article diffusé 1210161LOUPE €15.50 Triplet 10x -21 mm pocket monocular magnifier. An ideal combination of robustness and optical quality. This field magnifier is a classic recommended by Biotope experts for a wide range of uses: botany, geology, entomology, mineralogy, etc. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les Bryophytes de France Tome 2 - Pleurocarpes et Sphagnales article Biotope 9782366623215 €85.00 This is the second volume in the encyclopedia of French bryophytes, this time focusing on pleurocarps and sphagnum mosses. An eagerly-awaited reference for all botanists. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les Fougères et plantes alliées d'Europe (2ème édition) article Biotope 9782366623208 €55.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Mousses et hépatiques de France – 3e édition enrichie 9782366622935 €29.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Atlas des mammifères sauvages de France Volume 3 - Carnivores et primates 9782383270034 €69.00 After covering the 71 marine mammals (Volume I) and the 28 ungulates and lagomorphs (Volume II) found in France, this third volume of the Wild Mammal Atlas focuses on carnivores and primates. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique, du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, du Nord de la France et... 9789072619051 €55.00 The Meise Botanic Garden has been publishing the official flora of Belgium and neighbouring regions for 50 years. With each new edition, great attention is paid to changes in distribution, naming and classification, as well as to new plant species that have recently become established. As a result, this reference work remains the most accurate and... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore ATLAS DES MAMMIFERES SAUVAGES DE FRANCE - VOLUME 2 9782856539248 €40.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les Fougères et plantes alliées d'Europe (2ème édition) article Biotope 9782366623208 €55.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Les invertébrés dans la conservation et la gestion des espaces naturels - Actes du... 9782856537954 €28.00 Add to cart