Naturalist bookstore Le sol vivant - Bases de pédologie - Biologie des sols - 3ème édition article diffusé 9782880747183 €99.50 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Invertébrés d’eau douce : systématique, biologie, écologie article diffusé 9782271069450 €40.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Mares et étangs - Ecologie, conservation, gestion et valorisation article diffusé 9782880749637 €66.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Cahier d’identification des poissons d’eau douce 9782366623062 €30.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore A 20 years look deep into nature 9782366621266 €43.00 This recreational book brings together the favourite pictures of many naturalits and employees of Biotope.Underwater, on land or in the air, they illustrate the beauty of the living world in the majors regions of the world : from France to Europe, the Africa, the indian Ocean, Asia, Australia and America, as far as polar regions. At the end of these... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Mares et étangs - Ecologie, conservation, gestion et valorisation article diffusé 9782880749637 €66.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Géotourisme en Ille-et-Vilaine - Petit guide géologique pour tous 9782366620177 €15.00 This collection makes geological heritage accessible to a wide audience. On a selection of sites, the memory of the rocks and the formation of some of the most exceptional landscapes of the Armorican hinterland and coastline are deciphered: beaches, rocky chaos, volcanic sites, gorges, rias... The formation and evolution of rocks and minerals, the... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024 - Les plus belles photos de nature 9782366623185 €34.00 The 100 best photographs of the year ! The 60th Nature Photographer of the Year competition attracted 60,000 entries from 23 countries. Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Géotourisme en Finistère - Petit guide géologique pour tous 9782914817684 €15.00 This book, Geotourism in Finistère, borrows everything from the many and varied geologists who, for over a century, have deciphered the memory of Brittany's rocks and told their stories. It also pays tribute to the geologists who, in the 1970s, created the famous "Masson red guides", regional geological guides that are indispensable companions for... Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Cahier d'identification des Orthoptères de France, Belgique, Luxembourg & Suisse 9782366622706 €39.00 Add to cart
Naturalist bookstore Promenade géologique sur l'île d'Aix article Biotope 9782366621471 €4.00 Add to cart